We're thrilled you'll be joining us this summer! It is our goal to provide each participant with a safe and enjoyable summer dance experience, and your cooperation with the below policies ensures Ballet Arkansas's programs are a success.
Story Time Dance Camp
Ballet Arkansas, 520 Main Street, Little Rock, AR
June 9-13, 2025 | 9 - 11am (Ages 4-5)
June 16-20, 2025 | 9- 11am (Ages 6-7)
June 23-27, 2025 | 9 - 11am (Ages 4-5)
June 23-27, 2025 | 12 - 2pm (Ages 6-7)
Faculty: Ballet Arkansas Company Dancers
Junior Intensive
Ballet Arkansas, 520 Main Street, Little Rock, AR
June 9-13, 2025 | 12 - 3pm
June 16-20, 2025 | 12 - 3pm
Faculty: Ballet Arkansas Company Dancers
Summer Intensive Boot Camp (One Week)
UA - Little Rock Center for Performing Arts, Department of Theatre Arts, 2801 South University Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72204​
July 7-11, 2025 | 9am - 3pm M-F
Faculty: Ballet Arkansas Company Artists and Guest Faculty
Summer Intensive (Two Week)
UA - Little Rock Center for Performing Arts, Department of Theatre Arts, 2801 South University Avenue, Little Rock AR 72204​
July 21 - August 1, 2025 | 9am - 4pm M-F | Final Showcase on Friday, August 1 at 3:30pm
Faculty: Guest Faculty, Ballet Arkansas Artistic Directors Michael Fothergill & Catherine Fothergill, and Ballet Arkansas Company Artists
General Information​​​
Lobbies of UA-Little Rock Center for Performing Arts will be closed to the public during and shall only be accessible to program participants and staff.
All participants and staff shall be required to follow the UA-Little Rock and Ballet Arkansas Health and Safety Protocols.
Payment of program tuition in full shall be requirement for attendance.
Deposits and program tuition are non-refundable, except in the event of program cancellation.​
Participants enrolled in programs that include a commencement showcase shall be provided additional information by email.
Please email education@balletarkansas.org or call Ballet Arkansas at (501) 223-5150 with inquiries. In the event we are assisting other customers, please leave a detailed voicemail and our staff will return your call at our earliest convenience.
Ballet Arkansas will send important information from education@balletarkansas.org to the email address listed on your registration form. Please check this email frequently. In the event that you are not receiving emails from Ballet Arkansas, please check your spam folder and notify our staff so that we may resolve this issue.
Ballet Arkansas: There is a covered parking deck located directly behind The Arkansas Repertory Theater (6th and Scott St.) and an uncovered lot across the street from Handle Barbershop (Best Park). Metered parking is plentiful throughout downtown Little Rock and is free before 8am and after 6pm Monday-Friday, and on the weekends. The ParkMobile app is used to purchase street parking downtown. Parents may use the convenient drop-off & pick-up driveway in front of Cranford Co. (512 Main Street, Little Rock, AR 72201). As this is a public driveway, please keep traffic moving and do not park in this drop off zone.
UA-Little Rock Center for Performing Arts (https://ualr.edu/about/campus/): Parking will be available for Summer Intensive participants in Lot 4 on the UA-Little Rock campus, located near CPA and University Theatre during drop off and pick up times. Once you are inside Lot 4, you will be able to exit through the motion-sensored exit gate at any time. Please do not use the drop off zone, located before Lot 4. Parking is subject to change. Parking will be available for Summer Intensive participants in Lot 4 on the UA-Little Rock campus, located near CPA and University Theatre. Lot 4's entrance gate will be open from 8:30-9:15am for check in and from 2:30-3:15pm (SIBC) or 3:30-4:15pm (SI) for check-out. Once you are inside Lot 4, you will be able to exit through the motion sensored exit gate at any time. Please do not use the drop off zone, located before Lot 4. Subject to change.
Absence/Early Departure
Please notify BA in the event of an anticipated absence by reporting an absence in your parent portal (Quick Link "Attendance") or by emailing education@balletarkansas.org at the earliest opportunity. Refunds will not be provided for absences. If an underage student needs to leave early written consent from a parent shall be required for student's release. Students shall not be permitted to leave the building at any time during the day without prior consent from a parent or legal guardian and without signing out with Ballet Arkansas staff.
Participant's designated arrival and departure time is listed on each program's schedule. Please do not arrive prior to the scheduled arrival time, as there will not be adult supervision prior to the arrival time. Participants are expected to arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of each class, prepared and in the appropriate attire. All participants shall be required to sign in upon their arrival. Parent/Guardians will be contacted after classes begin if Ballet Arkansas has not been informed of a participant's absence.
Participants should screen themselves at home for the following symptoms of illness prior to traveling to Ballet Arkansas each day. If any of the symptoms below are present, the participant must notify Ballet Arkansas immediately. If symptoms become present during class, Ballet Arkansas shall contact the parent/emergency contact of the participant and may require the participant to observe mask wearing or depart early from class.
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Eye infection or irritation, including symptoms of pink eye
In the Classroom
​Classroom policies are designed to create a safe and optimal environment for learning. Please review these policies with your child. Staff will assist all students with classroom policies.
Participants shall follow all posted guidelines and the instructions of the staff at all times.
Participants shall be respectful of their instructor, fellow participants, and the facility at all times.
Participants shall participate fully in class when asked to participate.
Participants shall raise their hand to ask questions and refrain from talking during class.
Participants shall not hang on the studio barres.
Participants shall not touch the mirrors.
Participants shall not run in the studio or common areas.
Participants shall thank their teacher after class.
Gum, food and drinks (other than water) are not allowed in the dance studio and should be kept in the participant's dance bag until the designated snack/lunch break.
Participants shall let their teacher know as soon as possible if they are experiencing any problems or difficulties in the classroom. Bullying will not be tolerated at any time and may result in disciplinary action and/or removal from the program.
All participants shall be required to check out upon departure. Participants must be picked up during their departure time. Contacts approved by participant's parent or legal guardian shall be allowed to pick-up participants that are under the age of 18. Participants 17 years or younger that drive themselves to class each day shall be free to exit the building on their own, with permission from their parent or legal guardian. If late pick-up is expected, please notify Ballet Arkansas immediately.​​
Dress Code
The summer dance program dress code is in effect for all classes. All warm-ups should be removed prior to the start of class and placed inside the participant's bag. Footlights Dance Store, the official shoe sponsor of Ballet Arkansas, is available to assist you with all of your dance wear needs.
Female Students​
Solid leotard (color of choice), full-length pink tights with pink ballet shoes or full length skin-tone tights with skin-tone ballet shoes. Dancers wearing pink ballet shoes, they should wear pink tights. Dancers with skin-tone ballet shoes, they should wear skin-tone tights. Tights must be worn with tights inside the ballet slipper and drawstrings shall be tucked into the shoes. Summer Intensive dancers who are en pointe should bring pink or skin-tone pointe shoes.
Leotard Color of the Day (Optional): Tuesday (Pastel), Wednesday (Bright Colors), Thursday (Patterns), Friday (Dancer’s Choice)
Leotards must be free of attached skirts, and leotards with extremely low-cut backs and/or see-through designs are not permitted. Story Time Dance Camp students may wear leotards with attached skirts.
Hair shall be secured neatly in a bun or similar updo (no ponytails) with hairpins and hairspray, out of the face and eyes.
Male Students
White or black fitted t-shirt, dance belt (as appropriate), white ballet shoes with white socks or black ballet shoes, and black tights or dance shorts.
Hair should be neat and out of the face and eyes. Long hair shall be secured neatly in a ponytail.
Dress Code Notes
Clothing and shoes brought to the studio should be clearly marked with the name of the participant.
No undergarments shall be visible. Skin-toned or clear straps from nude leotards/nude camisole bras are permitted.
Jazz shoes/socks are optional for contemporary/jazz/modern class. Faculty members will instruct students on desired footwear for each class.
Ballet skirts are allowed for pre-pointe/pointe/variations/classical repertory at the discretion of the instructor.​
Jewelry shall not be permitted in class. Stud earrings are acceptable.
Dance shoes are not to be worn outside the studio in order to keep dirt from being tracked onto the specialized dance floor.
Food & Drink
Each program shall have a designated break for snacks and lunch each day. Participants are responsible for packing their own snacks/lunch for consumption. Please refrain from packing snacks which may cause potential allergic reactions to other participants (nuts). If a participant has forgotten his or her snacks/lunch, he or she is encouraged to notify their parent and Ballet Arkansas upon discovery. Parents of participants with food allergies, please notify Ballet Arkansas in writing of necessary precautions prior to the start of the program. We encourage all participants to bring a water bottle to keep in the classroom.​
Food Allergen Exposure
Notify Ballet Arkansas of all food allergies in the parent portal and email education@balletarkansas.org prior to the program.
Inform Ballet Arkansas where necessary medications will be stored in the participant's bag.
Remind participants with allergies to never trade food with other campers and to tell an adult if he or she feels a reaction starting, even if there are no visible signs or symptoms.
Cell Phones & Personal Belongings
Cell phones and other electronic devices shall be set to silent mode during class times, and shall be stored in participant’s dance bag. Participants shall be allowed to check their phones between classes for emergency purposes. There will be a designated area for participants to store their personal belongings during class. Participants are encouraged to leave valuables at home. Ballet Arkansas is not liable for lost, damaged, or stolen items.
Health & Safety
Ballet Arkansas frequently consults with authorities of public health in the crafting of its Health & Safety policies. The health and safety of our staff and participants is our top priority. Ballet Arkansas takes the following steps to reduce the spread of communicable illness.​
Ballet Arkansas staff is vaccinated.
The use of hand sanitizer may be recommended or required and will be accessible on site.
Studios shall be deep cleaned on a regular basis.
Ballet Arkansas may require that participants wear masks at any time, including instances when symptoms of communicable illness are present or suspected.
Participants/staff who have been exposed to persons diagnosed with COVID-19, Flu or RSV or who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, Flu or RSV should contact education@balletarkansas.org or (501) 223-5150 immediately. Participants shall be notified of updates to Ballet Arkansas's Health & Safety policies by email.
Upon arrival, participants shall be notified of important exit points and safety measures.
Code of Conduct
Ballet Arkansas programs should be a positive experience for participants, their families, and for Ballet Arkansas. Ballet Arkansas expects all persons associated with our programs to follow all program policies and to conduct themselves in a positive and courteous manner when interacting with staff, volunteers, and participants. Persons associated with Ballet Arkansas programs shall be expected to refrain from the following behaviors and activities without exception;
Aggressive, derogatory, or lewd communication
Discriminatory or demeaning language
Sexual harassment
Disrespect of the personal space or privacy of others
Acts of violence or threats of harm to individuals or property
The spread of defamatory information
Parents are encouraged to contact Ballet Arkansas as soon as possible if a participant is experiencing any problems or difficulties in the program. As outlined in Classroom Policies, participants are encouraged to speak with teachers as soon as possible if they are experiencing any problems or difficulties in the classroom.
Dance is an athletic activity that presents the risk of illness or injury. Participants with pre-existing injuries, chronic conditions, or who are under medical supervision must notify Ballet Arkansas prior to the start of the program. Examples of chronic conditions may include asthma, tendonitis, diabetes type 2, severe allergies, etc. Participants are encouraged to take as much of each class possible, modifying exercises as needed under staff supervision. In the event of an injury, basic first aid shall be provided to program participants (i.e. ice, band aids). In the event of severe injury, Ballet Arkansas shall immediately notify the emergency contact listed on each participant’s registration and shall proceed with an appropriate course of action. The safety and well being of all participants is our first priority. Refunds are not provided for injury/illness related absences and participants are encouraged to attend to observe classes when they are unable to take class.
Common dance injuries include: muscle cramping and/or muscle spasm, ligament tear/strain, tendonitis, sprain, dislocation, stress-reaction or fracture, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, blisters, ingrown toenails, corns, fatigue, and heat exhaustion.​