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Company Artists Meredith Loy and Matthew Larson-Arziari pictured in Alia Kache's While I Yet Live.  Photo courtesy of Matthew Sewell Photography.


Ballet Arkansas performs a rich and eclectic repertory of the classics, masterworks of American dance, and original works by the world's most daring dancemakers, including:

Gerald ArpinoFrederick Ashton, George Balanchine, Michael Bearden, Sir David Bintley, August Bournonville, Leslie Browne, Val Caniparoli, Ma Cong, Jean Coralli, Ron De Jesus, Agnes De Mille, Maddy Falconer, FLOCK - Alice Klock and Florian Lochner, Mikhail Fokine, Michael Fothergill, Kiyon Gaines, Ashley Green, Madison Hicks, Tsai Hsi Hung, Alia Kache, Ilya Kozadeyev, Simon Kuban, Kenneth Macmillan, Harrison McEldowney, Leonide Massine, Darrell Moultrie, Yuka Oba-Muschiana, Tom Mattingly, Mariana Oliveira, Jimmy Orante, Jules Perrot, Marius Petipa, Brandon Ragland, Christopher Ruud, Yoshito Sakuraba, Greg Sample, Chris StuartAntony Tudor, Christopher Wheeldon, Yury Yanowsky, and many others.




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