Ballet Arkansas's campaign to update Arkansas's largest and longest-running holiday production.
($20,000 per year)
Over four decades, hundreds of thousands of Arkansans have experienced the magic of Ballet Arkansas's beloved production of The Nutcracker Spectacular. With live music by the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, the production features a cast of more than 300 dancers, singers, and musicians from all areas of the state, and is the largest and longest-running holiday production in Little Rock. The Nutcracker Spectacular not only brings joy and wonder to nearly 10,000 Arkansans each December, but revenue earned through its annual presentation supports Ballet Arkansas's operations, and its world-class productions and education programs that serve Arkansas communities across the state.
Each year, thousands of hours of labor are needed to upkeep the Spectacular's aging costumes and sets. While ample TLC keeps the production in working order, in the winter of 2022, Ballet Arkansas launched a 5-year campaign to revitalize the state's beloved production with stunning costumes, sets, and choreography to match.
Updated Rental Drops for all scenes - with options to purchase!
Updated Choreography in Party Scene, Battle Scene, Snow Scene, Tea/Candy Cane/Flowers Divertissements, Grand Pas
New Costumes for Nutcracker, Rat King, Snow Scene (company only), Hot Chocolate/Tea/Candy Cane/Marzipan/Flower Divertissements, Grand Pas
Acknowledgement from the stage on Opening Night of the production
Recognition in digital and print mentions of the role sponsored, upon request: The Sugar Plum Fairy, presented courtesy of John Doe
Commemorative photo of your costume's first performance on stage
Backstage tour on Opening Night of the production, upon request
Whether you're a former cast member, a loyal patron, or new to Ballet Arkansas, your support of The Nutcracker Project will instill joy in countless Arkansans for years to come. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation of an amount significant to you, and the years to come will commemorate an exciting new era for the "Nutcracker Spectacular" and the State of Arkansas. Please contact Michael Fothergill, Executive and Artistic Director at to discuss your Nutcracker Project donation benefits today. Please
Susana and Camilo Barreto
Sara Shalin - Hr. Dancers of Ballet Arkansas
Dr. Salvador Lopez-Arias - Hr. Celeste Lopez-Keranen
Megan Hall
Jennings and Brittany Boyette
Stacey Sebree
Julie and Steve Fothergill
James and Stacy Bell
Maradyth McKenzie
Jessica Lasley
Gail & Phil Garratt
Andrea Timpa
Angela Shirey - Hr. Rosevelt and Bertine Frierson
Earl and Suzanne Babbie
Karen Bassett
Carolyn Lay
Dillon Hupp
Emily Erkel
Dr. Andy Terry
Abby O. Jennings
Sandy Miller - Hr. Alex Miller
Melodie Britt
Jacey Harris
Vikki Harris
Lisa Johnson
Nikki Lovell
Susanna Jarratt - Hr. David Jarratt
Mary McCraw
Lesley Roberts
Dr. Monica Lo
Sarah Smith - Hr. Abby Jennings
Linda Young
Lindsay and Tony Tabor
Jinna Compton
Katie Parson
Larry Johnson
Heather Moore Richard Tripodi - HR Ballet Arkansas Leadership and their continued success
Neha Vyas
Justin Bank
Gary Nash
Ryan and LeeAnn Hackley
Ronald and Rebecca Werle, HR Annalise Patel
Boyette Strategic Advisors